Pamela Cournoyer
Master Certified Instructor & Trainer of Trainers,
Author, Speaker, Mediator
My goal is that you treat those around you with deep respect, epic kindness and high emotional intelligence.
By doing this, both you and those around you will feel valued, safe, and empowered to lunge into unfettered creativity and unbridled productivity.
Your end result?
To become graced with more time freedom, a satisfying sense of contribution, and a big, fat bank account.
If you manage people, and want your staff to be considerate, thoughtful and get a LOT of work done; all the while paying holy homage to your masterful leadership, it's time we talk.
If you are a coach, and you want your clients to zealously refer you, convincing others how you’ve incomparably inspired their own amazing transformation, it's time we talk.

Where it all started; with my show horse, Buzz.
At 17, the only way I could let my friends ride my specially trained cutting horse Buzz, was to teach them how to ride.
-This single act serendipitously launched a lifetime love of training and coaching.
By the time I discovered a career that actually called to me, my passion for protecting horses and riders had switched to empowering people to protect themselves. I spent the rest of my FTE days in Law enforcement, Crime Prevention and Community Policing doing lots, and lots, and lots of speaking, training, and consulting for individuals and groups who’d had some very bad days to put it lightly.
I was most impacted in a 6-month stint in the Republic of Kosovo, hired as an international community policing consultant and trainer by the US Department of Justice. My challenge was to help two distinctive nationalities come together again after a civil war. If you’d like to learn more about my work in Kosovo, click here.
After my deep cut experience of Kosovo, I could never play or live small again. I first-hand witnessed ethnic hatred, ethnic entitlement, multicultural, multi-faith prejudice, including open acts of violence toward two groups of people who used to be best friends.
The charge to stop the senseless acts of hatred spurred by misunderstandings and propaganda (in today’s workplace we call it “gossip” and “backbiting”), was immense.
I have since devoted my life to helping others see belief systems that are causing harm and blocking the flow of abundance and happiness both at work and with individuals.
This devotion birthed my coaching, consulting, and training company; Powerful & True, Inc. Leadership Mastery.
I have made it my mission to restore conflict-riddled workplaces by transforming management into the leaders’ workers crave to follow.
I’m simultaneously committed to helping other coaches successfully scale their own businesses to do the very same.