As a client of Powerful & True!
Your Resource Library
This is a private site dedicated to our clients. This site contains professional development resources and the productivity systems we use.
Through this site you may schedule your own coaching calls, find staff contact numbers and easily find our coaching Zoom Room link and the conference line link as well as our staff contact phone numbers. If you neglect to schedule your sessions for the month, we are truly sorry, we do not make up for missed sessions unless you let us know in advance of the need to reschedule.
Now, let's let the best part of this journey (your business and leadership transformation) begin!

Are #1 To Us!
Your coach is fully dedicated to you, feel free to email whenever.
You’ll even get your coach’s private cell for urgent needs.
Our intention is to create a super blanket of support. We’ve got you covered!
Here’s What You Can Expect From Your Coaching!

Like Wow!
Courage beyond your hesitation!
Inspire Yourself & Others Into ACTION!
Tools & insights to transform your world and theirs.
You Are In Control.
We support you fully in your BIG ambitions, Let’s Do It!
Our Promises
To You
To listen to you and work on what you want to work on.
To be completely present for you during our time together.
To be a continual student of the most effective coaching techniques and strategies available today.
After Each Coaching Session Expect
Ability to review your coaching notes and recording (if applicable) containing your next action steps. (Sent within 3 business days).
An email reminder the day before your next scheduled coaching session. The reminder contains a link to a coaching prep-form. If you are serious about getting quick results, completing this prep form is recommended.

DiSC® Profiles
Private Coaching clients receive a DiSC® profile. These offer truly life changing insights into your preferred method of communication, management, conflict, sales and workplace behaviors and others preferences as well.
These profiles are GOLDEN!
Feel free to let us know if you have a preference in the profile you take, otherwise, your coach usually starts with the one they feel will help you most to reach your goals. Here are your options:
Management Profiles - Aka the Managers’ Bible. Learn your personal management style and how to use it to best motivate a diverse team.
Workplace Profiles - Help your team learn about themselves and how to best work with others without getting offended by their differences.
Sales Profiles - Learn your personal selling style and what others need in order to buy from you; a must if you want to massively increase your conversion rate.
Work of Leaders Profiles - Offers 3 key strategies for improving leadership effectiveness and overall performance. It also shares how to connect and be followed.
363 Profiles - Team members and peers provide input to get a 360 view of a particular leader so that strengths and areas needing improvement are highlighted and addressed.
Productive Conflict Profiles - Gain insights and communication strategies into individuals’ responses to conflict and how to best manage those situations.

Here's What You'll Gain In Working With
... And Her Team
Increase your leadership effectiveness through goal clarity
We get you crystal clear on exactly what results you want for yourself and your people.
This includes nailing down what is preventing you from getting the results you've wanted.
We strategize your most productive actions.
We create a personalized step-by-step plan to reach personal goals, company goals, and benchmarks.
You'll know day-in and day-out what you are going to be doing.
We work on upgrading your missing or most urgent skills
This will include things like delegation, team building, conflict management tools, closing, negotiation, how to be nicer, how to say no, how to stay focused, how to gain respect from your team , time management
Optimize Environments & Work Conditions through our AAA Plan
Assess Leader’s Physical environment, the Influencers they are surrounded by, and their Self-care routine.
We come to an understanding, and Agreement of what needs to shift.
Create a tailored Action plan to address what is not working in their life.
Environments may include…
Physical: office, home, technology, and health/fitness
Influencers: family, friends, co-workers.
Mental: Self-care, spiritual and mental practices
Master the “Inner Game” or Mindset
The game of life is either won or lost in the mindset of a Leader. How the Leader thinks about staff, money, family, and the challenges they are facing have everything to do with their mindset.
We help you break through the challenges, self-limiting beliefs, blocks and fears that are getting in your way...
Are you ready to become the phenomenal leader you were called to be?
We Are So Looking Forward To Working With You!

About Your Coaching Package, Scheduling Or Other Questions?
Please email help@powerfulandtrue.com